Sun, Mar

Paris MOU Focused Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Fire Doors

Port State Controls

(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) The Paris MoU is trialing an alternative approach to the regular Concentrated Inspection Campaigns (CICs) by conducting several short, targeted inspection campaigns

(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) The Paris MoU is trialing an alternative approach to the regular Concentrated Inspection Campaigns (CICs) by conducting several short, targeted inspection campaigns called “Focused Inspection Campaigns (FICs)”. After completion of the trials, the results, ease of implementation, and effectiveness will be assessed and, on this basis, further decisions will be made on inspection campaigns and their format. Part of the trial also involves assessing whether or not to pre-announce the inspection campaigns.

FICs are conducted on each inspection during the period

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