Compressed air on ships is used for different purposes. High-pressure air of 30 bar is mainly used for the main engine starting.This high-pressure air is reduced to lower working pressures through pressure reduction valves and is used for other important purposes.
The air at reduced pressures of 7-8 bar is used as service air for a number of applications.
Some of these include starting of Auxiliary Engines, Emergency Generators, Charging of freshwater and drinking water hydrophores, blowing the fog horn, spring air for exhaust valves of the Main Engine, dry washing of Main Engine turbochargers, for use in sewage treatment plants for aerobic sewage breakdowns, soot blowing of boilers, pneumatic pumps for oil transfers and many more applications such as service air for the use of cleaning, painting operations, chipping and operation of pneumatic tools such as grinders, chisels etc.
One more important branch of this 7-8 bar compressed air is used as control air. The control air is a filtered
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Original Source MARINE INSIGHT