Tue, Mar

The Ultimate Guide to Air Compressors on Ships

The Ultimate Guide to Air Compressors on Ships

Engineering Knowledge
Marine air compressor is an extremely important auxiliary machinery on ships and other ocean going vessels. It is used for producing compressed air, which has a number of applications on board, both in the engine and deck departments.

It’s a duty of a marine engineer to ensure that the ship’s air compressor is running smoothly and efficiently. Moreover, as several other machinery systems in the engine room are dependent on the air compressor for their operation, it is important that the compressor is kept in up-to-date condition all the time.

air compressor

This ultimate guide to marine air compressors provides all the details which you would require to understand, operate, and maintain a compressor on a ship.

Uses of Compressed air

As mentioned earlier, the air compressed produced by air compressors is used for a variety of purposes on ships, ranging from starting of main engine to cleaning and maintenance purposes. Read this to find out how compressed air is used in daily routine and maintenance jobs of ships.

Content Original Link:

Original Source MARINE INSIGHT www.marineinsight.com

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Original Source MARINE INSIGHT www.marineinsight.com



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