Tue, Mar

Responsibilities Of Deck Officer During Anchoring Operation

Responsibilities Of Deck Officer During Anchoring Operation

Marine Knowledge

Anchoring is one of the many important operations coming under the responsibility of deck officers. It involves the use of critical shipboard equipment and requires high level of situational awareness.

The key responsibility of the deck officer at an anchor station is to use the anchoring machinery and available man power for carrying out the operation safely and efficiently in accordance with the master’s instructions.

This article provides practical suggestions for deck officers on anchoring operations.

anchoring of ship


Proper and efficient communication between the bridge and the anchor station is the most important aspect of anchoring operations. The deck officer in charge should be thoroughly familiarised with the reporting procedures. While anchoring, it is as significant as to give clear commands to the crew members as it is to receive the same from the Master. It is also essential to update the status of the operation to the bridge, from time to time. Before starting the operation, the officer must be clear on:

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Original Source MARINE INSIGHT www.marineinsight.com

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Original Source MARINE INSIGHT www.marineinsight.com



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