John Faraclas on ERT’s global radio station “The Voice of Greece”, in the program “Greeks Everywhere”, with Thanos Choupis who interviewed him on the ragging wars and others about to…
John Faraclas on ERT’s global radio station “The Voice of Greece”, in the program “Greeks Everywhere”, with Thanos Choupis who interviewed him on the ragging wars and others about to surface, the importance of Planet Ocean’s Dire straits which are strategically important points for navigation and uninterrupted trade and have also a catalytic effect on the global economy, through the current negative fluctuations in world trade.
In combination with the dramatic developments in the zones of geopolitical volcanoes that are either “spewing lava”, in the Middle East and Ukraine or “roaring” – like the active “volcanoes” in the western Balkans, around the Caucasus and in the Far East. Terrorists and others create havoc in seatrade and must be contained here and now.
The following were also discussed:
- The Seafaring case – sending young people at sea, particularly Greeks
- Terrorism
- Russia and Ukraine war
- The Middle East inferno
- Turkiye’s errating and revisionist policy in Central and East med as well as in the Aegean
- Chinese intrusions in the Far East
- Iran
- Syria
- Israel
- Europe
- Religion
- USA’s President-elect Donald Trump appetite for certain regions and other matters
- The Shipping Markets and in particular the Dry one, now in its lowest ten-year
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