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Nautilus Federation Report Addresses Seafarer Recruitment & Retention

Nautilus Federation Report Addresses Seafarer Recruitment & Retention

World Maritime
Nautilus Federation Report Addresses Seafarer Recruitment & Retention

Image Credits: Nautilus International
The Nautilus Federation, a group of 21 like-minded global trade unions in shipping and inland waterways transport, has released a new report which aims to finally end the conversation on recruitment and retention of seafarers, and prompt the industry to act on the issue.

With a worsening shortfall in seafarer numbers, Recruitment and retention of seafarers: A synthesis of study evidence brings together the vast expanse of scholarly work already existing on recruiting and retaining vital maritime workers. It provides a definitive answer to two questions troubling the industry: which factors attract new entrants (including women and other under-represented groups) to join the industry as seafarers; and which factors make experienced seafarers stay in the industry.

The results, which are drawn from an analysis of more than 20 academic studies from leading institutions, clearly show that three main emerging themes influence the recruitment and retention of seafarers:

the importance of job satisfaction, career progression and good working conditions
respect, involvement and commitment shown by employers
the provision of adequate communication facilities

In light of these findings, the report presents clear solutions to improve recruitment and retention, including:

improving onboard living conditions
addressing workload and stress issues by reducing hours of work, increasing rest hours, and promoting a culture of mutual respect and work-life balance
encouraging women and people from all walks of life to pursue seafaring careers
implementing career advancement pathways and opportunities for life-long learning and training
supporting international initiatives to address the seafarer shortage, with better collaboration on this issue between industry, government and trade unions

‘We hope this will be the last report of its kind, as we have spent many years discussing the recruitment and retention crisis. This study shows that we have the answers: the time now is for action,’ said Nautilus Federation coordinator Danny McGowan.

‘We want seafarers and the industry to benefit from increased seafarer recruitment and retention. Using this report, we can take steps collaboratively across the industry. With the 21 unions of the Nautilus Federation and other international partners, such as the International Transport Workers’ Federation, hopefully we’ll be able to make some serious progress.

‘The report is especially important in the context of the Just Transition and the move to alternative fuels. Hundreds of thousands of seafarers will need increased training and reskilling, so the issue is going to become even more stark. We need to make sure that that we can solve this recruitment and retention crisis to help us in the fair shift to green energy, and the time to solve it is now.’

For the full report, click https://www.nautilusfederation.org/en/news/resources/reports/recruitment-and-retention-of-seafarers/

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