Mon, Feb

SHIPS for America Act introduced

World Maritime

Today, Senator Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.), Senator Todd Young (R-Ind.), Representative John Garamendi (D-Calif.-8), and Representative Trent Kelly (R-Miss,-1) introduced the Shipbuilding and Harbor Infrastructure for Prosperity and Security (SHIPS) for America Act,

Written by Marine Log Staff
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SHIPS for America Act

Image: Architect of the Capitol

Today, Senator Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.), Senator Todd Young (R-Ind.), Representative John Garamendi (D-Calif.-8), and Representative Trent Kelly (R-Miss,-1) introduced the Shipbuilding and Harbor Infrastructure for Prosperity and Security (SHIPS) for America Act, comprehensive legislation to revitalize the United States shipbuilding and commercial maritime industries.

After decades of neglect, the legislators say, the United States has a weakened shipbuilding capacity, a declining commercial shipping fleet that is dwarfed by China, and a diminished ability to supply the U.S. military during wartime.

The bipartisan SHIPS for America Act proposal aims to restore American leadership across the oceans by establishing national oversight and consistent funding for U.S. maritime policy, incentivizing domestic shipbuilding, enabling U.S.-flagged vessels to better compete in international commerce, rebuilding the U.S. shipyard industrial base, and expanding the mariner and shipyard workforce.

“We’ve always been a maritime nation, but the truth is we’ve lost ground to China, who now dominates international shipping and can build merchant

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