Danish Shipping offers solutions for green fuel adoption
Danish Shipping has launched its recommendations following a summit in Copenhagen attended by representatives from shipping companies, fuel producers, authorities, the Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, and others.
Danish Shipping has launched “Towards a Green Horizon:10 Recommendations to Accelerate the Production of Green Fuels for the Shipping Industry.” Among the recommendations are a diplomatic push for ambitious global regulations, financial support schemes in both Denmark and the EU for the shipping sector’s green transition, the need for strategic partnerships in green fuel production, and the crucial expansion of renewable energy.

According to the publication, to achieve the decarbonisation of international shipping by 2050, zero-emission fuels must account for 27% of the total energy consumption by 2036 and 93% by 2046. To reach net-zero emissions using PtX fuels, shipping alone will require 3-4 times more renewable energy capacity than what the EU currently has available.
Danish shipping companies are ready to invest in new vessels and green fuels, yet they expect to predominantly operate on green fuels only after 2035. This was emphasised by the largest Danish shipping companies in a recent survey conducted by Danish Shipping, the Organization notes.
Additionally, international climate regulations for shipping are required to create stronger incentives for green operations across industry.
Danish Shipping’s recommendations to the Danish government
Global industry requires global solutions
- Diplomatic offensive for ambitious global regulation
Urgent need for development and upscaling of production
- Targeted scale-up of green fuel production
Financing is key to success
- National earmarking of funds from the EU-ETS for shipping’s green transition
- Support schemes in Denmark for shipping’s green transition
- Support schemes in the EU for shipping’s green transition
Partnerships open new doors
- Establishing strategic partnerships for green fuels production
- Creating a green corridor in the Nordic countries
Expansion of renewable energy is essential
- Development and implementation of a PtX strategy for the shipping industry
- Fulfilling ambitions for the deployment of renewable energy
- Establishing necessary infrastructure in ports
If we do not ramp up green fuel production, we simply cannot achieve a green transition—let alone comply with the regulations already in place. Furthermore, there is a significant risk of becoming critically dependent on China, which is far ahead of the EU in green fuel production, much like in the solar and wind industries
… said Anne H. Steffensen, CEO of Danish Shipping.
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