Sun, Feb

Liferafts on Ships – Parts, Location, and Launching Procedure

Ship Safety
Liferafts on Ships – Parts, Location, and Launching Procedure

Life rafts are survival equipment provided as a life-saving appliance on every seagoing merchant or passenger ship, in addition to the lifeboats.

Life rafts are much easier to launch than lifeboats. In emergencies, evacuation from the ship can be done without manually launching any of them, as the life rafts are designed with an auto-inflatable system.

SOLAS Chapter III gives all the details for the types, and the number of life rafts to be carried according to the size and type of the ship.

Liferaft on ship

Where Are Liferafts Located On Ships?

Life rafts are typically located on the muster station, on the port and starboard side near the lifeboat, and on the aft of the ship. The location generally depends on the size of the ship.

Life rafts are stored in a fibreglass container, and a high-pressure gas inflates them during an emergency.

A Hydrostatic Release Unit (HRU) is connected to the raft container and ship, which releases the raft even after the vessel sinks in water.

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